Prof.D.Tumen, Department of Anthropology & Archaeology, The National University of Mongolia
Figure 1. Dendrogram showing relationship of the Neolithic populations from Asia (Penrose shape distance analysis for 15 cranial variables)
the archaeological field work carried out in 2002-2004 there were
discovered several unknown before archaeological sites, belonging to
different historical periods ( from Neolithic up to Mongolian Period) in
Durilag Nars, Tsuvraa Uul and Bayan-Uul mountain areas in Khulenbuir
sum, Dornod aimag. There were excavated around 30 graves dated to Hunnu
and Mongolian Periods in the archaeological sites and found unique
archaeological findings and human remains which are well preserved. The main upshot of the paleoanthropological studies of the prehistoric populations from Eastern Mongolia is the following:
Figure 2. Dornod, Bulgan sum, Norvilin Uul site, Neolithic period, Male, adultus
Prof.D.Tumen, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, The National University of Mongolia
nonmetric, i.e. epigenetic variation, is quite popular in analyzing
osteological remains at the population level and has successfully been
used to evaluate the evolutionary relations and biological affinities
among ancient populations (Finnegan and Marcsik, 1979; Ishida and Dodo,
1992; 1993; 1997; Kozintsev, 1972, Ossenberg, 1990; Sutter, Mertz, 2004;
Wenger, 1974). The theoretical basis of any such investigation is that
1) the traits are highly genetic in nature; 2) that populations vary in
frequencies between even closely related populations; 3) that some
consistency is seen without regard to environmental variation; 4) the
traits do not vary significantly with age; 5) show little sex
difference; 6) show little correlation between the traits used; and 7)
are easily defined and have the advantage of being scoreable for highly
fragmented skeletal materials. A
comparison of the results gained from the eastern Mongolian samples
with those of Ishida and Dodo found among Siberian and Far East ancient
and modern populations (1992) and Circum Pacific region populations
(1993; 1997) can be summarized as follows:
M.Erdene, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
Cranial nonmetric is quaite popular in analyzing osteological remains at the population level and has successfully been used to evaluate the evolutionary relations and biological affinities among ancient populations from different regions in the world. In present study we presented the results of cranial non-metric examination of modern Korean population. Through comparative analyses of cranial nonmetric variation of modern Koreans with those of ancient and modern Mongolian and other north and east Asian populations, we seek to determine the biological relationship of ancient and modern populations of Mongolia and Asia.
1. Erdene Myagmar, Presentation, Ancient population from Eastern Mongolia (Cranial nonmetric examination). Relics excavation state and meaning by the Jinghiz Khan Age, International Conference Korea and Eastern Asia III. Seoul, 25-26, October 2005. 2. Erdene Mygmar, Ancient population from Eastern Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Anthropology, Archaeology and Ethnology, 2006, Vol. 2, No. 1(254)
M.Erdene, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology
Abstract: One of the most important signs, and one that makes the greatest and most immediate impact in human communication is colour. Colour harmony, colour preferences and colour symbolism are culturally conditioned, and they vary considerably with both place and time. Here we present the results of colour preference study of Mongols of different age, ethnicity, education and professional background The results of the study show that most of Mongols favour white and blue colours, symbolizing purity and kindness, prosperity and happiness. In addition to white and blue, some participants mention black colour as a favourite, which symbolizes evil deed in traditional Mongolian culture. They described black colour as an official, looking slimmer, and very practical. This suggests us change of Mongols’ colour preference, especially in urban areas: besides traditional favourite colours, white and blue, black colour is becoming one of the most used and favourite colour of Mongols under the influence of the social development and western. Colour preference tends to change with both sex and age of participants, while education and profession are not important factor. | |
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